The MX Book - Sherlockian Interview - D J Tyrer

Posted by Steve Emecz on

The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories -  Volumes XXXI-XXXIII is currently running on Kickstarter and we're interviewing the contributors. Next up is D J Tyrer.

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself, and your story.

I’m a writer based in the newly-minted city of Southend-on-Sea in Essex, England, where I also run a small press, Atlantean Publishing. A long-term fan of the Sherlock Holmes stories, I’ve been writing my own stories of Holmes’s adventures over the last few years.

My story concerns a young woman who finds herself accused of murder by her wealthy and influential employer. Certain the police will waste no time in assuming her guilty, she turns to Sherlock Holmes for help in clearing her name – who unravels a more complicated case than even she had suspected.

2. Why did you want to participate in this project?

Coming rather late to them in my writing career, I think it is now safe to say that I am a confirmed addict of writing Holmesian fiction and the stories are going to keep on coming!

3. What are your current and upcoming projects?

I’m continuing with my horror fiction, and have some horror and fantasy novels on the planning board, if I can only find the time! I’m also hoping to submit a Holmes story for the However Improbable… call, and a couple more Holmes stories waiting for me to develop them.

4. Any last thoughts?

Just that writing for Sherlock Holmes is as much fun as reading the stories and something I will continue to do as long as somebody is interested in reading my contributions.

DJ Tyrer's website 

DJ Tyrer's Facebook 

The Atlantean Publishing website 


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