
The Great Sherlock Holmes Debate - BBC's Sherlock vs Guy Richie's Movies - November 10th 2011

Posted by Steve Emecz on

We talk to thousands of Sherlock Holmes fans and everyone has an opinion on the BBC's Sherlock series and the two films from Guy Richie. We are also fortunate to hear the views of some of the world's leading Holmes experts and of course about twenty of our own authors. When Charlotte Walters decided to mark the launch of her debut novel, Barefoot on Baker Street, this Tuesday 20th September, with a stunning challenge to write about each of the 56 Holmes stories, one a day until 11th November, we wondered how we could mark the occasion. The Great Sherlock...

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Sherlock Holmes Society of London reviews Sherlock Holmes and The Affair in Transylvania

Posted by Steve Emecz on

" idiosyncratic and entertaining" It's not every day that you sign a major film director as a new author and to be brutally honest I found the experience exciting, humbling and a little intimidating all rolled into one. Gerry O'Hara is best described as a legend of the big screen having several dozen films under his belt but no stranger to TV either with episodes of iconic series like The Avengers under his belt too. A prolific screenwriter Gerry also wrote several books during his career, but never had the time to do anything with them - now that he is...

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Sherlock Holmes Society of London Review of No Police Like Holmes Dan Andriacco

Posted by Steve Emecz on

"An exciting and witty romp" Dan Andriacco's first book in June this year has been a big hit with Holmes fans around the world and the blog of the same name Baker Street Beat has thousands of visitors. His debut novel, No Police Like Holmes is a mystery featuring Holmes fans rather than the great detective himself. The first main review of the book comes from The Sherlock Holmes Society of London in the current edition of The District Messenger. "An exciting and witty romp – not about Holmes but about his fans. The world’s third-largest private collection of Sherlockiana...

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The Most Important Book On Sherlock Holmes And Arthur Conan Doyle of 2011?

Posted by Steve Emecz on

Alistair Duncan has a very hard act to follow with his new book, An Entirely New Country. His last book, The Norwood Author won the 2011 Howlett Literary Award (Sherlock Holmes book of the year) and was widely recognised as one of the most important Conan Doyle books in recent times due to the new information Duncan uncovered during his meticulous research. The challenge is that Conan Doyle is one the most written about authors in history, with literally hundreds of biographies about the great man. To find genuinely new information means delving into local archives which was the secret...

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The most exciting time for Sherlock Holmes fans and book publishers in modern times?

Posted by Steve Emecz on

There is a real sense of excitement amongst Sherlock Holmes fans as we enter autumn 2011. The filming of the new series of the BBC's Sherlock promises the next episodes in the spring, and teasers for the new Guy Richie film 'A Game of Shadows' get shared almost the instant they are made public. It is wonderful time to be a Sherlock Holmes publisher as well. The resurgence of Sherlock Holmes through the films and BBC series has created a whole new era of fans, and has meant that we will end up having published around twenty new Holmes related...

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