
Living With The Naga Headhunting Tribes - Interview with Bea Andersen Swedien

Posted by Steve Emecz on

“Imagine waking up to the rustle of a jungle wind and the howling of monkeys. Imagine a place where morning coffee doesn’t come from Starbucks and the nearest doctor is a three-day hike away, longer if it rains. Imagine navigating your way down a trail — where a hungry leopard could be lying in wait — just to use the bathroom. Imagine cobras, man-eating tigers and neighbors who decorate their homes with the human skulls they hollowed out the night before.” Extract from a Fascinating interview with Bea Swedien Under the red blanket is available from all good bookstores including Amazon...

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Philip K Jones aka The Ill Dressed Vagabond Reviews A Case of Witchcraft - A Novel of Sherlock Holmes

Posted by Steve Emecz on

Last month the Sherlock Holmes Society of London described A Case of Witchcraft as "well written and thoroughly researched". This month it is the turn of Philip K Jones (aka The Ill Dressed Vagabond) with a very detailed review. Phil's own first book - The Punishment of Sherlock Holmes is out soon. "This novel is a first person narration by Sherlock Holmes.  Dr. Watson is laid up as the result of an Operation to remove the Jezail bullet he had carried since his Service in Afghanistan.  The daughter of a clergyman has asked Holmes to investigate the disappearance of her...

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Fans from 23 countries grab tickets for The Great Sherlock Holmes Debate

Posted by Steve Emecz on

Over 600 Sherlock Holmes fans joined the Great Sherlock Holmes Debate Facebook page to compete for batches of tickets for the audience for next Thursday's debate. Fans from 23 different countries successfully grabbing a precious ticket to the Holmes event of the year and the final audience list is attached below - along with a reminder of all the team members. The debate takes place on 10th November 2011 at 8pm UK time online so all audience members need is an internet connection to listen in and submit their questions live - they will also get a chance to submit a question/comment...

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Audience tickets get released today for Great Sherlock Holmes Debate

Posted by Steve Emecz on

Today, the 80 general public audience places given away to the members of the Great Sherlock Holmes Debate Facebook page which stands currently at over 500 members. The places will be released in phase today to ensure all regions have a chance. There are fans from over 20 countries trying to get places. The debate takes place on 10th November at 8pm UK time online so all audience members need is an internet connection to listen in and submit their questions live. The debate is being hosted by Sherlock Holmes Publishers MX Publishing. Pllease remember the debate is supporting two...

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Starting a new Sherlock Holmes based career at the age of 87 film legend Gerry O'Hara

Posted by Steve Emecz on

" idiosyncratic and entertaining" It's not every day that you sign a major film director as a new author and to be brutally honest I found the experience exciting, humbling and a little intimidating all rolled into one. Gerry O'Hara is best described as a legend of the big screen having several dozen films under his belt but no stranger to TV either with episodes of iconic series like The Avengers under his belt too. A prolific screenwriter Gerry also wrote several books during his career, but never had the time to do anything with them - now that he is...

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