
Video Review of No Police Like Holmes by Ross K

Posted by Rahul Singh Parihar on

A two part video review of Dan Andriacco's Sherlock Holmes novel - No Police Like Holmes - from Ross K. [youtube] [youtube]

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The Sherlock Holmes Society of London reviews Shadowblood - A Novel of Sherlock Holmes

Posted by Steve Emecz on

"I said that Shadowfall is rather like an enjoyable nightmare. Shadowblood is even more enjoyable." Tracy Revel's first novel Shadowfall got rave reviews worldwide, and is already being translated into Italian. The Sherlock Holmes Society of London loved it and we couldn't wait for their review of the sequel Shadowblood - they didn't disappoint us. "The sequel to Shadowfall is just as deliriously weird. Shadowblood by Tracy Revels introduces us again to the World of Shadows, whose interaction with our own world can be devastating. Watson’s recuperation from his previous encounters with the supernatural is interrupted when an unpleasant recluse...

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Barefoot On Baker Street - A Novel of Sherlock Holmes Reviewed by The Ill Dressed Vagabond

Posted by Steve Emecz on

"This is a powerful novel that makes great efforts to comply with the Canon." Philip K Jones, aka The Ill Dressed Vagabond is one of the USA's leading Holmes reviewers and this week he delivers a detailed review of Barefoot on Baker Street by Charlotte Walters. The full review is below - and the highlight seems to be how Charlotte handles the main characters: "The true wonder of the book is these three tormented men (Holmes, Moriarty and Mycroft) and their efforts to control their own lives that are seemingly beyond control.  The heroine is another wonder.  She grew up...

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In The Night In The Dark reviewed by The Supernatural Tales

Posted by Steve Emecz on

"All in all, this volume is worth buying for the first section alone - The Tales from the Endeavour are quite superb, and make great winter reading. But there's more, you lucky people. The second section, 'Things from Beyond', offers horrors that are Lovecraftian, by and large........In brief, there's something for everyone here. I defy anyone who likes supernatural fiction not to be satisfied with this volume". In The Night, In The Dark is a collection of supernatural ghost stories from Roger Johnson that includes the collection 'The Tales from the Endeavour' which won the 2001 Dracula Society's Children of...

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Two Days To Go To The Great Sherlock Holmes Debate

Posted by Steve Emecz on

There are just two days to go to The Great Sherlock Holmes Debate and we've been practising with the on-line technology with the team captains. As we have two podcast presenters (Kristina and Burt) and an actor (Nick) we have to admit that our chairperson (Steve from MX Publishing) is the one feeling the pressure of presenting live - he has the easy task of making the introductions though. The presentations are looking amazing. The effort that has gone in from the teams is quite incredible - many late nights and weekends alongside busy schedules and we now can't wait...

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