#THIF - Thank Holmes It's Friday Week 25
Posted by Steve Emecz on
Week 25 - Summer Review Week! Some amazing reviews on new books from the Sherlock Holmes Society of London in their summer journal - to celebrate, we're doing a buy 2 get one free on all nine books.
Plus - two more new free audio books....
AUDIOBOOKS - there are two this week - The 1895 Murder and Sole Contact
Please use contact us form quoting THIF-84 and let us know your country - we'll send you both books.
The 1895 Murder (McCabe and Cody Book 3)
Popular mystery writer Sebastian McCabe is about to conquer a new world with his Sherlock Holmes play 1895. On opening night, however, his Erin, Ohio, theatrical debut as both playwright and actor is upstaged by a murder in the back of the newly renovated theater.
Sole Contact (Arthur Hall)
(It's not Holmes, but from master Holmes writer Arthur Hall is other main genre of espionage - the first in the Sector Three series)
Bond is not the only agent out there. An urgent signal is received at the London headquarters of the ultra-secret government department known as Sector Three. Klemperer, their agent-in-place in Tunisia, is sheltering a North Korean diplomat who wishes to defect to the West, bringing with him vital intelligence concerning foreign sleeper agents operating in Britain.
PRINT BOOKS - Buy 2 and get one free
3 for 2 on all these reviewed books - (6 for 4 and 9 for 6 works too...)
Here are the links to all the reviews - you can then shop them in the 'Sherlock Holmes Society of London Collection'. Add at least three to your shopping basket before adding the promotional code.
Sherlock Holmes and The Thames Murders - "Holmes is on fine form, with deductions coming thick and fast and full of good logical reasoning."
Sherlock Holmes and The London Dock Deaths - "I particularly liked the inclusion of Scotland Yard’s Inspector Edmund Reid, the real-life detective who helped to investigate the Jack the Ripper murders of 1888."
The Curious Book of Sherlock Holmes Characters - "If you don’t already have such a book, it is very much worth it. If you do, and you are not a completist, you might decide this one is not for you. I would buy it, even though I already own similar books."
Sherlock Holmes - Remarkable Power of Stimulus - "Canonical references and characters abound, and the knowledgeable Holmesian will chuckle over many of them. Some novel elements have been introduced, Inspector Chandra Das, for example, and one chapter features the “Russian Influenza” which menaced Britain and most of Western Europe in the late nineteenth century. How topical is that!"
A Proof Reader's Guide To Sherlock Holmes - "The author’s depth of knowledge of the canon is first-rate, the language true to the original stories and the additional asides can only be labelled as touches of brilliance."
Sherlock Holmes - The Baker Street Epilogue - " All these stories feature the customary elements we all enjoy so much; scandal, skulduggery, child-abduction (or baby-farming as it was called in the nineteenth century), murder and attempted murder. Also featured in one story is a well-known sportsman of those times, (no name here, read it for yourself!) In conclusion, an entertaining read and another worthy contribution to the world of Holmesian pastiche."
Mrs Hudson Goes To Ireland - "For me, however, the beauty of this story lies in the writing and the depth of research and insights into Irish folklore that are scattered lightly, and delightfully, throughout. Rarely do I finish a book in one sitting; on this occasion I had to burn the midnight oil to find out what happened in the end. If Mr Holmes ever worried about his competition, he need only look under his own roof; in Mrs Hudson, he may have well and truly met his match in terms of her investigating skills"
The Three Locks - "I like my Holmes tales to be different, but I also like them to be canonical in feel and true to the period in which they are set. The pace of the book is also spot on, with never a dull moment, and the tale is rich in both atmosphere and suspense. MacBird is an extremely talented writer and this is an admirable addition to her long list of credits."
Sherlock and Irene - The Secret Truth Behind A Scandal in Bohemia "There was, it seems, another, darker significance to the photograph, and the King was in the power of a master criminal, who undoubtedly provided the burglars and the footpads who had failed to retrieve it. Ultimately, the theory raises as many questions as it attempts to answer, but it is ingenious and intriguing."

Now on Kickstarter
Kickstarter is a great way to support projects you like and get a great bargain - usually many months ahead of publication.
B Is For Baker Street - a charming first Sherlock Holmes book for young kids.
Sherlock Holmes - The Coal Tar Derivative - The Exploits of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John H. Watson against the Moriarties during the Great Hiatus.
Sherlock Holmes Study in Illustrations Volume 1 from Mike Foy