Sherlockian Interview - Tim Anderson

Posted by Steve Emecz on

To celebrate the Kickstarter for Volumes 46-48 of the MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories we're interview the contributors.
Today it's Tim Anderson
Tell us a little about yourself – Where you live and your main hobbies
I live in Kessingland on the Norfolk/Suffolk border (Eastern England, UK) with my wife and sausage dog. Apart from writing I sing and play guitar and blues harmonica and am a member of the London Institute of 'Pataphysics.
What’s the name of your story in this collection, and what is it about (with no spoilers)?
My story is The Georgian Dragon. Holmes has been contacted by an aristocrat whose family have looked after the sculpture of a dragon commissioned by George IV after he went to them to deal with his debts. This has gone missing, but nothing else was taken in the burglary. As the family felt it was being held in trust, they are devastated it has been stolen.
What other projects have you recently completed that we can check out.
The list of my story sales is on my blog at I have recently been writing a series of stories set in my imaginary Fenland village of Great Witcherley including one where Conan Doyle becomes involved in a case with fellow member of the Society of Psychical Research John Silence. 

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