Top 10 Sherlock Holmes Audiobooks in April so far

Posted by Steve Emecz on

1.   Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Beer Barons – Chris James and Steve Davison Smith

2.   Sherlock Holmes and The Adventure of the Ruby Elephants – Chris James and Dominic Lopez

3.   Sherlock Holmes and the Lyme Regis Legacy – David Ruffle and Andy Barker

4.   The Dramatic Moment of Fate – Alexandra Kitty and J.T. McDaniel

5.   A Continuum of Sherlock Holmes Stories – Jay Ganguly and Kevin E Green

6.   Sherlock Holmes and The Adventure of Grinning Cat – Joseph W Svec III and Anthony LeRoy Lovato

7.   The Further Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes – Volume 1 – Denis O. Smith and Kevin E Green

8.   The Monographs – Ben Cardall and J.T. McDaniel

9.   The Untold Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Luke Kuhns and Joff Manning

10. Through a Glass Starkly – Richard T. Ryan and Luke Barton

For more audiobooks click here.


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