Sherlockian Interview - Tom Turley
Posted by Steve Emecz on
With the upcoming launch of volumes 43-45 of The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories we're talking to the authors involved. Today, 29th April, it's Tom Turley.

Tell us a little about yourself – Where you live and your main hobbies.
Amazingly, my wife Paula and I have lived in Montgomery, Alabama for the past 23 years. We grew up in Texas and Tennessee, respectively, and met in graduate school at Vanderbilt in Nashville. I'm a retired historian and archivist, and Paula is retired from the Social Security Administration. Our grown children, Catherine and Bryan, live in western states (Colorado and California), so we do a lot of traveling. My other hobbies include sailing ship modeling and hiking (whenever I can get to the mountains). I also keep my hand in by volunteering at the historical archives in our local church.
What’s the name of your story in this collection, and what is it about (with no spoilers)?
My story, in Part XLIV, is entitled "The Case of the Ignoble Cuckold." As the title hints, it's a sequel to the canonical "Adventure of the Noble Bachelor" and recounts the further marital adventures of the St. Simon family.
What other projects have you recently completed that we can check out?
I've written two full-length collections: Sherlock Holmes and the Crowned Heads of Europe (2021) and Watson's Wives and Other Tales of Sherlock Holmes (2023). The first contains four interconnected novellas that involve Holmes and Watson in the historical events leading up to "His Last Bow." Along with tales of the Doctor's marriages (l posit three wives, like Baring-Gould), the latter book includes my other stories that have appeared in the anthology or elsewhere in the MX catalog.
I've started my next anthology submission and am researching a full-length Sherlockian novel I hope to publish in the future. At the moment, I'm also coordinating with narrator Keith Spilsbury (who did a fine job with the Crowned Heads novellas) to record the remaining Watson's Wives short stories for Audible.