Sherlockian Interview - Gordon Linzner

Posted by Steve Emecz on

To celebrate the Kickstarter for Volumes 46-48 of the MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories we're interview the contributors.
Today it's Gordon Linzner.
Tell us a little about yourself – Where you live and your main hobbies.
I'm a lifelong resident of New York City, born and raised here, for, to date, the past three quarters of a century. My hobbies include leading a small blues band, although the covid plague has severely curtailed that; formerly running my own small press; learning more about my city every so often from reading, taking local tours, and just wandering about on my own; and attending occasional conventions (mostly science-fiction/fantasy).

What’s the name of your story in this collection, and what is it about (with no spoilers)?
The Adventure of the Willing Suspect - the title obviously gives away the premise. London police find a man casually standing over a corpse in an alleyway near headquarters, holding a bloody knife. He makes no attempt to either resist or escape, doesn't deny the murder but won't confess to it, either. Even Inspector Lestrade isn't fully convinced of his guilt, and therefore seeks advice from Holmes, who is going through a slow period anyway.
What other projects have you recently completed that we can check out?
I've sold a number of short stories in recent months in various genres besides mystery: horror, fantasy. even a couple of science fiction pieces. The easiest projects to locate (and most relevant) would I think also be my two most recent novels: a straight suspense thriller, Close Enough for Murder, from Crossroad Press and Highway of Hell: an Evelyn Slade Mystery, featuring my paranormal detective character and her assistant, Kirby MacElroy, which was published last year by Raggedy Moon Books.

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