MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Volumes XL to XLII - Author Interviews - Paul Hiscock

Posted by Steve Emecz on

Today we talk to Paul Hiscock who appears in Part XLII: 1895-1903 currently on Kickstarter as part of the MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories XL to XLII campaign.
Paul penning a new story in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Study at Undershaw.
What’s the name of your story in the collection?
'Mr. Phillimore’s Umbrella', which appears in Part XLII.

How did the story come about?
In 'The Problem of Thor Bridge', Watson mentions a number of cases which “were complete failures, and as such will hardly bear narrating, since no final explanation is forthcoming." One of these is the case of "Mr. James Phillimore, who, stepping back into his own house to get his own umbrella, was never more seen in this world.” I became curious about three things: Who was Mr. Phillimore? What was the significance of his umbrella? & How could I tell a story without a solution that would not, in Watson’s words, “annoy the casual reader”? 

Have you contributed to anthologies before?
I am a regular contributor to the MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes stories - this is my tenth case. I have also contributed to many of Belanger Books’s Sherlock Holmes anthologies, including a number of cases in the successful Year of Mystery series, encounters with other detectives like Father Brown and the Old Man in the Corner, and even tales set in alternative universes.
Where can fans find more about your work? (e.g. Blog, Amazon profile, etc.)
Information about all my stories can be found on my website Detectives and Dragons
You can follow my latest news on Facebook Paul Hiscock Writer and X (Twitter) PHiscockWriter. I also have author pages on Amazon - Paul Hiscock  and Goodreads - Paul Hiscock

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