Book Review - A Continuum of Sherlock Holmes

Posted by Steve Emecz on

David Marcum

Jay Ganguly knows what she’s talking about. She runs The Sherlock Holmes Society of India and is serious student of The Canon. Her first book, “The Holmes Sutra: 160 Sherlock Holmes Sayings for his 160th Birthday” was published by MX in 2014. A year later, she decided to try her hand at Sherlockian pastiches, writing her first one for the initial 3-volumes set of “The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories” – and she never looked back. She has continued to contribute stories to these and other anthologies ever since – and now she’s published this volume, a Baker’s Street Dozen of wonderful tales.

It’s hard to pick a favorite, as each one is about the True Holmes, set in the correct time period and featuring Our Heroes, Holmes and Watson, behaving as we expect. In this time of current worldwide crisis, I’m very glad to have enjoyed these stories, and I’m certain that in these crazy times everyone else will enjoy them too – shedding the present day for a little bit and visiting Holmes and Watson in Baker Street, where it’s always 1895 (or a few decades on either side of it!)


A Continuum of Sherlock Holmes is available on this site with a % going to our good causes. 

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Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are no strangers to peculiar cases. Be it the dilemma of an Indian princess on the run, perfectly healthy people dropping dead as divine punishment, being challenged to a duel, a heartbroken and suicidal young man, a beautiful woman claiming to be Mrs. Holmes, a little boy who loves his dog, an old Scottish ghost that traditionally haunts husbands of pregnant women – there is very little they haven’t seen (and solved). But, besides regular adventures, there are quite a few questions – Where was Holmes during the Great Hiatus? How was Sherlock Holmes as a child? Who was ‘the most repellent man’? What happened after ‘The Five Orange Pips’? What ingenious crime did Holmes solve by observing ‘the depth which the parsley had sunk into the butter upon a hot day’?

A Continuum of Sherlock Holmes brings together a baker’s dozen of such stories. These are all traditional-style pastiches published in various anthologies from 2015 – 2020, including the MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories. Jayantika Ganguly, better known as Jay, is an international Sherlockian from India who believes there can never be enough Sherlockian stories.

Author         Jay Ganguly

ISBN            9781787057654

Pages          342

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