Gayle Lange Puhl was presented with the Outstanding Creative Writer Award
Posted by Steve Emecz on
Gayle Lange Puhl was presented with the Outstanding Creative Writer Award from the 8th Annual Janesville Area Creative Awards 2016 for her first book, “Sherlock Holmes and the Folk Tale Mysteries Vol. 1” The award was sponsored by the United Arts Alliance of Rock County. She was presented with the colorfully decorated statuette during the January 29th, 2016 program at the Janesville Performing Arts Center in Janesville, Wisconsin. The awards show is a major fundraiser for the United Arts Alliance Organization. Established in 1996, the UAA is a non-profit 501(3) organization based in Rock County that supports excellence in the Fine and Performing Arts. The UAA is attended by individual community members,artists and local non-profit art organizations and businesses. The United Arts Alliances’ funding helps support multiple scholarship opportunities for the residents of Rock County who are serious about pursuing a future in the arts. Ms. Puhl is a long-time resident of Evansville, Wisconsin and a native of Hebron, Illinois. Her interest in Sherlock Holmes and his creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle date from her teen years. She has been a Sherlockian, or Holmes fan, for fifty years. She has written for various publications, including the Baker Street Journal, all her life. A collection of short stories, “Sherlock Holmes and the Folk Tale Mysteries Vol. 1”, is her first book. Since it’s publication, first by The Battered Silicon Press of Eugenia, Canada and then by MXPublishing of London, UK, she has written a second book published by MXPublishing in November 2015. The second book, also a collection of short stories, also continues the adventures of Holmes and his friend Dr. John H. Watson, with plot lines taken from nursery rhymes and fairy tales. The books are noted for the absence of talking animals or fairy dust. Every tale is grounded in the logical Victorian world of the Great Detective. “Just try to write a story about the three little pigs and Sherlock Holmes using no fantasy or magic. It isn’t easy,” said Mrs. Puhl. "These aren’t stories for little children, either. Nursery stories are full of kidnappings and murder.“ Both "Sherlock Holmes and the Folk Tale Mysteries Volumes 1 and 2” are currently available on and from bookstores like Barnes and Noble. Ms. Puhl is presently mapping out a third book, continuing the theme of children’s literature and Sherlock Holmes.

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