The Bookbag reviews The Case of The Grave Accusation a Sherlock Holmes Mystery

Posted by Steve Emecz on

" It's a neatly-turned tale which will amuse fans of Holmes and the non-Holmesian alike." The Bookbag is one of the UK's largest independent book reviews sites. Their review for The Case of The Grave Accusation is out this week and overall very positive. "Much in the way that legend says that King Arthur will return when his country needs him, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson have returned because an accusation has been made against their creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The charge is that the great man plagiarised The Hound of the Baskervilles from his great friend Bertram Fletcher Robinson – and then went on to commit adultery, blackmail and murder in order to conceal what he had done. Holmes' rooms in Baker Street have not changed a great deal – if one can overlook the addition of a desktop computer and better plumbing – but it's not long before the pair are off to Dartmoor to discover the truth. There's more to this tale than would immediately meet the eye. Back in 2000 the real-life Rodger Garrick-Steele wanted to exhume the body of Fletcher Robinson to prove that he had been murdered and it's this story which is the basis of The Case of the Grave Accusation although Rodger Garrick-Steele becomes Roger la Perlure d'Ail in the story. It's a neatly-turned tale which will amuse fans of Holmes and the non-Holmesian alike. It's interesting to see Holmes and Watson in a modern setting and coping (rather well, it must be said) with the changes that a century or so have brought about." You can read the full review here - The Bookbag Review of The Case of The Grave Accusation. The Case of The Grave Accusation is available from all good bookstores like Amazon, via Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, iBooks (iPad/iPhone) and several other formats.

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