Sherlock Book Reviews - The Criminal World of Sherlock Holmes Volume 3

Publié par Steve Emecz le

David Marcum

The late Kelvin Jones was a Sherlockian legend, a shining beacon for decades, and it was always a thrill to read his Sherlockian scholarship and his pastiches. I first ran across his name in the 1980’s, when his scholarly monographs were on my yearly Christmas lists. Following his numerous masterful analyses of various specialized topics, he turned his attention to writing Holmes pastiches – which particularly caught my interest.

But he never stopped his pursuit of the scholarly side of Sherlockiana, as shown in his volumes of The Criminal World of Sherlock Holmes. Now, with the third and final book, one of the last he produced before passing away, we have more of his brilliant essays, including thoughts on Jack the Ripper and connections with Watson’s Literary Agent.


This volume is a scrapbook of a plethora of Sherlockian topics – illustrations, lists, and essays – all dealing with the criminal side of The Canon. We have criminals, and methods, and victims. This book wonderfully displays Kelvin Jones’ passion for and mastery of the World of Holmes. Be sure to obtain the first two volumes along with this one, and take a moment to pause and remember a truly great Sherlockian.

The Criminal World of Sherlock Holmes Volumes 1-3 are available on this site but also from:

Amazon USA    Amazon UK      Barnes and Noble


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