Sherlock Holmes and The Pandemic of Death (Sherlock Holmes and the American Literati Book 7)
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Quarantines, masks, death—terms familiar to anyone who faced the so-called Spanish Flu of 1918. World-wide, it is estimated that the horrifying influenza killed more than 50 million people, significantly more than did the guns of the Great War, which was just then coming to a close. And yet no one has ever heard from Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Watson concerning their own experiences surviving the terrible virus—until now. In a recently-discovered manuscript, Dr. Watson reveals the secret which for years had kept him silent about the deadly pandemic. Only when he meets the eccentric American novelist Sinclair Lewis is the truth pried free and the story of an ingenious murder revealed.
American Literati Series Book 7
Author Daniel D Victor
ISBN 9781787057937
Pages 154
Date 22nd September 2021