The Final Page of Baker Street (Sherlock Holmes and the American Literati Book 1)
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About this book:
When misadventure led a schoolboy in London to employment at Baker Street, few could have guessed where his introduction to Sherlock Holmes would lead. But as the lad matures and he finds himself caught in the middle of a murder investigation, his friendship with Holmes and Watson lures him into the role of detective. “Billy” documents his experiences, and soon his sleuthing skills not only bring him to another murder, but also lay the foundation for his metamorphosis into a famous mystery writer, the novelist the world now knows as Raymond Chandler.
“Master R.T. Chandler,” Sherlock Holmes addresses the newly hired boy.
“I prefer the American way of saying names,” the youth replies, “—just Raymond.”
“What you prefer doesn’t matter,” Holmes counters.
“Here at 221 we call all the pages ‘Billy.’”
Author Name: Daniel D. Victor
ISBN: 9781780927053