Sherlock Holmes and A Tale of Greed - Sherlock Holmes and the American Literati Book 9) - Hardcover
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Sherlock Holmes examines the body of a murdered scrubwoman that lies on the floor of the South Kensington Museum of Art. But it is not a real corpse he looks at, for those remains have been removed by the coroner. The body Holmes studies appears in a drawing of the murder scene precisely rendered by an American art student. The drawing leads Holmes, Dr. Watson, and the artist—a young Frank Norris before he turns his talents to writing— across the English countryside in search of the killer. From the shops in the Strand to the pier at Brighton, from the lions of Trafalgar Square to the coalfields of Lancashire, the trio, along with Inspectors Lestrade and Gregson, find themselves entangled in a tale of gold, greed, and murder.
American Literati Series Book 9
Author Daniel D Victor
ISBN 9781804241950
Format Hardcover
Pages 174
Date 23rd September 2023
Also available in Paperback