Competition Terms and Conditions

Sherlock Re-Imagined Monthly Competition.
Terms and Conditions.

1. The Sherlock Re-Imagined monthly competition (the “Competition”) is open to residents around the world. The entry must be submitted by persons aged 18.
2. The Competition  is not open to employees or agencies of MX Publishing Limited (“The Promoter”), their group companies or family members, freelance contributors to MX Publishing, or anyone else connected to the Competition.
3. Entrants into the Competition shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions.
4. To enter the Competition you must email, with "Sherlock Re-Imagined" in the subject line, providing your contact details and all other requested information. No purchase is necessary. If you have any questions about how to enter or otherwise in connection with the Competition, please email with “Sherlock Re-imagined” in the subject line.
5. The Competition consists of a monthly price, with the winner selected from among all the submitted entries in a given month. Macaluso, the creator of Sherlock Holmes Re-Imagined series will judge the entries on their merit and decide the winner. Only one entry to the Competition is permitted per person and a maximum of one prize may be won by each entrant. Entries on behalf of another person are accepted and joint submissions allowed. You are responsible for the cost (if any) of sending your Competition entry to us.
6. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed, misdirected or incomplete or cannot be delivered or entered for any technical or other reason. Proof of delivery of the entry is not proof of receipt by The Promoter.
7. Each month's Competition opens at 01:00 am (GMT) on the first day of each month and closes at 23:59 pm (GMT) on the last day of each month. Entries received outside this time period will not be considered.
8. Each month's winner will be selected on merit by Macaluso, the creator of The Re-Imagined series.  His decision is final.  The winner will receive a Collector's Edition of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes worth $69/£55.  The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any costs associated with the prize that are not expressly included in the prize.
9. The winner will be notified by email on the first day of the month and given details of how to claim their prize. If a winner does not respond to The Promoter within 14 days of being notified of their win, the winner’s prize will be forfeited and The Promoter shall be entitled to select another winner in accordance with the process described above (and that winner will have to respond to notification of their win within 14 days or else they will also forfeit their prize). If a winner rejects their prize or the entry is invalid or in breach of these terms, the winner’s prize will be forfeited and The Promoter shall be entitled to select another winner.
10. The surname and country of residence of the winner can be obtained after 15th day of each month by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the following address: Promotions Team, MX Publishing Limited, 335 Princess Park Manor, Royal Drive. N11 3GX.
11. The prizes are non-exchangeable, non-transferable and not redeemable for cash or any other prize.
12. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute the prize with an alternative prize of similar value in the event that the original prize offered is not available.
13. The winners may be required to take part in promotional activity related to the Competition and the winners shall participate in such activity on the Promoter’s reasonable request. The winners consent to the use by the Promoter and its related companies, both before and after the closing date of the Competition for an unlimited time, of the winner’s voice, image, photograph and name for publicity purposes (in any medium, including still photographs and films, and on the internet, including any websites hosted by the Promoter and its related companies) and in advertising, marketing or promotional material without additional compensation or prior notice and, in entering the Competition, all entrants consent to the same.
14.  The Promoter shall use and take care of any personal information you supply to it as described in its privacy policy, a copy of which can be seen at http://, and in accordance with data protection legislation. By entering the Competition, you agree to the collection, retention, usage and distribution of your personal information in order to process and contact you about your Competition entry. The promoter intends to make available the surname and country of residence of the winners as outlined in paragraph 10 above. If you do not wish your surname and/or country of residence to be made available for this purpose, then please notify us before the 15th of the month by sending an email to with “Sherlock Re-Imagined” in the subject line.
15. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, injury or disappointment incurred or suffered by you as a result of entering the Competition or accepting the prize. The Promoter further disclaims liability for any injury or damage to your or any other person’s computer relating to or resulting from participation in or downloading any materials in connection with the Competition. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude the liability of The Promoter under law for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence.
16. The Promoter reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, this Competition with or without prior notice due to reasons outside its reasonable control (including, without limitation, in the case of anticipated, suspected or actual fraud). The decision of The Promoter in all matters relating to the Competition is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
17. The Promoter shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations relating to this Competition where the failure is caused by something outside its reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but not be limited to, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any other circumstances amounting to force majeure.
18. The Competition and these Terms and Conditions will be governed by English law and entrants to the Competition submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
19. Promoter: MX Publishing Limited, 335 Princess Park Manor, Royal Drive, London. N11 3GX