Sherlockian Author Profile - Tracy Revels
A Florida native, Tracy J. Revels BSI has a passionate love for the history and culture of the Sunshine State. She received her PHD from Florida State University in 1990, where she studied Southern history. Along with articles and reviews, her published works include Watery Eden: A History of Wakulla Springs, Grander in Her Daughters: Florida's Women During the Civil War, and Sunshine Paradise: A History of Florida Tourism. In 2005 the Florida Historical Society awarded Grander in Her Daughters the Rembert Patrick Prize for the best academic work in Florida history.
Revels describes herself as a historical tourist who loves to travel in both the present and the past. Her most recent work, Sunshine Paradise, was inspired by a quest for the origins of Florida's identity as a tourist haven and national playground. The work explores the changing identity of Florida's travelers from the tuberculosis sufferers of the 1820s to the Gen-X adventurers of the twenty-first century.
Revels is currently Professor of History at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Along with her teaching interests in Southern History, Revels also offers classes in the Sherlock Holmes canon and is a member of The Survivors of the Gloria Scott, a Sherlockian scion society.
Revels has also published three Sherlockian pastiches - taking Holmes on a supernatural journey and piting him against some legendary villains, including Spring Heeled Jack and the Voodoo queen Marie Leveau!
Revels has also contributed several traditional short story pastiches to anthologies like the MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories and those are collected in the Tales of Light, Tales of Shadow and Tales of Darkness.
Revels was invested as a member of the Baker Street Irregulars in January 2021.
Tracy features in our 2024 New Books 3 for 2.