The Adventure of the Flying Blue Pidgeon: Sherlock Holmes...
Sherlock Holmes and The Return of The Whitechapel Vampire
The Mystery of Charles Dickens
The Real Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and The Nine-Dragon Sigil
A Case of Déjà Vu (Octavius Bear Book 13)
The Wurst Case Scenario (Octavius Bear Book 11)
Sherlock Holmes and A Hole In The Devil's Tail
East Wind Coming : A Sherlockian Study Book
The Trials of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure of the Speckled Band - The Adventures of Sh...
The Happy Life Story: Saving abandoned children on the st...
Happy Life Story 2nd Edition - Audio mp3
Sherlock Holmes and The Terrible Secret
Sherlock Holmes. La signora Hudson e i segreti di Parkert...
The Cotswolds Werewolf and other stories of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and the Ley Line Murders
Sherlock Holmes In Montague Street Volume 1