Sherlock Holmes and The Return of The Whitechapel Vampire
Sherlock Holmes and the Scarlet Thread of Murder
Golem's Shadow: The Fall of Sherlock Holmes
A Study in Terror: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Revolutionar...
The Cotswolds Werewolf and other stories of Sherlock Holmes
Rendezvous at The Populaire
Sherlock Holmes and the Plague of Dracula
Sherlock Holmes: The Tales of Darkness - Paperback
Sherlock Holmes and the Body Snatchers
Sherlock Holmes and The Whitechapel Vampire
Sherlock Holmes and the Lyme Regis Horror - Expanded 2nd ...
Mark Of The Baskerville Hound
A Case of Witchcraft - A Novel of Sherlock Holmes
Murder In The Library
Sherlock Holmes and The Crystal Palace Murder - Hardcover...
007. The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part VI...
008. The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories - Part VI...