The Curious Cases of Sherlock Holmes – Volumes 3 & 4 - Digital Edition
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Whether presented with a severed foot, a robbery at the British Museum, a catatonic man in a locked room or burnt human remains in a wickerman, Sherlock Holmes relies on his intelligence and deductive brilliance to discover clues and unearth the solution to many a varied problem.
Volumes 3 and 4 of the Curious Cases of Sherlock Holmes once again presents over a dozen tales from the pen of Australian author Stephen Herczeg.
These new collections are an eclectic mix of tales drawn from the annals of the MX Series of New Sherlock Holmes stories and the many anthologies from Belanger Books.
Most are standard canonical tales true to the style of Arthur Conan Doyle, while others take Holmes into the worlds of H. G. Wells, H. P. Lovecraft, and even the multiverse, others pair him with an occult detective, battling possible demon possessions, and infiltrating pre-Soviet Ukraine.
Author: Stephen Herczeg
Digital PDF Edition
Pages: 416
Part of the Curious Cases of Sherlock Holmes Series