A Case of Identity - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Re...
The Conan Doyle Notes: The Secret of Jack The Ripper Hard...
Benedict Cumberbatch, Transition Completed
Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery of Einstein's Daughter
Sherlock Holmes and the Body Snatchers
The Sherlock Holmes Quiz Book
Sherlock Holmes and The Black Widower
Sherlock Holmes and A Quantity of Debt
Watson Is Not an Idiot: An Opinionated Tour of the Sherlo...
Never Meant To Be
A Few Lessons from Sherlock Holmes
Benedict Cumberbatch, In Transition
Holmes In Time For Christmas: A Great Hiatus Year Adventure
The Papers of Sherlock Holmes Volume I
Lost Stories of Sherlock Holmes (special hardback edition)
Sherlock Holmes In Pursuit
East Wind Coming : A Sherlockian Study Book
The Curse of Sherlock Holmes