The Detective, The Woman And the Winking Tree: A Novel of...
Sherlock Holmes: Have Yourself a Chaotic Little Christmas
Sherlock Holmes and The Lyme Regis Trials
Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery of The Boer Wagon
The Many Watsons
Sherlock Holmes and The Case of The Crystal Blue Bottle
Sherlock Holmes and The Case of The Bulgarian Codex
Sherlock Holmes and The Case of The Edinburgh Haunting
Hound of The Baskervilles - The Play
Sherlock Holmes and The Element of Surprise
The Real Sherlock Holmes
Anomalous - Sherlock Holmes, Jack Johnson and Alphonse Ca...
Sherlock Holmes: Tales From The Strangers Room 2
The Untold Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and The Terrible Secret
Sherlock's Home: The Empty House
Sherlock Holmes and The Case Of The Russian Chessboard
The London of Sherlock Holmes