Eliminate the Impossible - An Examination of the World of...
Vol 2 - The Redacted Sherlock Holmes
The Bird and The Buddha - A Before Watson Novel: Book 2
Sherlock Holmes and The Menacing Metropolis
No Police Like Holmes (McCabe and Cody Book 1)
When the Song of the Angels is Stilled - A Before Watson ...
The Open and Shut Case (Octavius Bear Book 1)
Sherlock Holmes the Golden Years- Five New Post-retiremen...
The Last Confession of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and The Lufton Lady
The Disappearance of Mr. James Phillimore (McCabe and Cod...
Holmes Sweet Holmes (McCabe and Cody Book 2)
Mrs Hudson Goes To Ireland by Susan Knight
Sherlock Holmes and The Thames Murders
Sherlock Holmes and Hitler’s Messenger of Death
The Riddle of Foxwood Grange - A New Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Sherlock Holmes and The Nine-Dragon Sigil
Sherlock Holmes and A Hole In The Devil's Tail