The Torso At Highgate Cemetery and other Sherlock Holmes ...
Sherlock Holmes and The Glamorous Ghost Volume 1 - Paperback
Sherlock Holmes and The Unmasking of the Whitechapel Horror
Under The Red Blanket
The Recollections of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes - A Question of Time
Sherlock Holmes: The Tales of Darkness - Paperback
Nessie's Nemesis - Paperback
The Devil’s Disciples: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure - Pape...
Sherlock Holmes and The Hellfire Heirs - Paperback
Oscar Slater – A Killer Exposed - Paperback
A Study In Statecraft - The Redacted Sherlock Holmes, Nov...
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of Masongill Farm (on A...
Sherlock Holmes The Four-Handed Game - Hardcover
The Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes - Hardcover
The Annals of Sherlock Holmes - Hardcover
Sherlock Holmes - Eliminate The Impossible
Sherlock Holmes Audio - The Adventure of The Aspen Papers