The Merchant of Menace: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure, Hard...
The Monographs (2nd Edition) Hardcover
The Outrage at the Diogenes Club (Sherlock Holmes and the...
The Papers of Sherlock Holmes Volume 1 and 2 Hardback Edi...
The Poisoned Pawn: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure - Hardcover
The Rediscovered Annals of Sherlock Holmes - Hardcover
The Six-Thirteen from Fairfield Junction and other cases ...
The Stone of Destiny: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure - Hardc...
The Traitorous Templar: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure - Har...
The Traitorous Templar: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure - Pap...
The Treasure of the Poison King – A Sherlock Holmes Adven...
The Uncollected Cases of Sherlock Holmes - Hardcover
The Undiscovered Archives of Sherlock Holmes - Hardcover
The Vatican Cameos: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure, Hardback
The Woodland Grave (Hardcover)
Three May Keep A Secret - A Sherlock Holmes Adventure - H...
Through a Glass Starkly – A Sherlock Holmes Adventure - H...
Watson’s Wives and Other Tales of Sherlock Holmes - Hardc...