SHURDLE - Thank Holmes It's Friday Puzzle of the Week

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Last Lines. Can you identify the Sherlock Holmes story these last lines come from?

Click on each of the questions to reveal the answers.


1. “Might I trouble you then to be ready in half an hour, and we can stop at Marcini's for a little dinner on the way?”

Hound of the Baskervilles

2. And when he speaks of Irene Adler, or when he refers to her photograph, it is always under the honourable title of the woman.

A Scandal in Bohemia

3. I shall ever regard as the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.

The Adventure of the Final Problem

4. Mr. Sherlock Holmes is free to devote his life to examining those interesting little problems which the complex life of London so plentifully presents.

The Adventure of the Empty House

5. “We also have our diplomatic secrets,” said he, and picking up his hat he turned to the door.

The Adventure of the Second Stain

6. Of Mrs. Hilton Cubitt I only know that I have heard she recovered entirely, and that she still remains a widow, devoting her whole life to the care of the poor and to the administration of her husband's estate.

The Adventure of the Dancing Men

7. The proceedings against the page broke down for want of evidence, and the Brook Street Mystery, as it was called, has never until now been fully dealt with in any public print.

The Adventure of the Resident Patient

8. Of the woman nothing was ever heard, and the probability is that she got away out of England and carried herself and the memory of her crime to some land beyond the seas.”

The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual

9. Holmes folded up his cheque and placed it carefully in his note-book. “I am a poor man,” said he, as he patted it affectionately and thrust it into the depths of his inner pocket.

The Adventure of the Priory School

10. I think, Watson, that if we drive to Baker Street we shall be just in time for breakfast.”

The Adventure of the Man with the Twisted Lip



First Lines. Can you identify the Sherlock Holmes story these first lines come from?

Click on each of the questions to reveal the answers.


1. Sherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantel-piece and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocco case.

Sign of Four

2.I had intended “The Adventure of the Abbey Grange” to be the last of those exploits of my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, which I should ever communicate to the public…

The Adventure of the Second Stain

3. Mr. Sherlock Holmes, who was usually very late in the mornings, save upon those not infrequent occasions when he was up all night, was seated at the breakfast table.

The Hound of the Baskervilles

4. To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name. In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex.

A Scandal in Bohemia

5 In the year 1878 I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, and proceeded to Netley to go through the course prescribed for surgeons in the army.

A Study in Scarlet

6. “I am inclined to think—” said I.

The Valley of Fear

7. Holmes had been seated for some hours in silence with his long, thin back curved over a chemical vessel in which he was brewing a particularly malodorous product.

The Adventure of the Dancing Men

8 It is with a heavy heart that I take up my pen to write these the last words in which I shall ever record the singular gifts by which my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes was distinguished.

The Final Problem

9. “I am afraid, Watson, that I shall have to go,” said Holmes, as we sat down together to our breakfast one morning.

The Adventure of the Silver Blaze

10. During my long and intimate acquaintance with Mr. Sherlock Holmes I had never heard him refer to his relations, and hardly ever to his own early life.

The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter



First Lines. Can you identify the Sherlock Holmes story these first lines come from?

Click on each of the questions to reveal the answers.

1. If the KEY to the code is 11 5 25, unlock this secret word: 23 1 20 19 15 14


2. Moriarty hid a stolen banknote inside a book, between which pages? 12-13 13-14 15-16

12-13 - books have even on the left, odd on the right

3. Sherlock is interrogating three suspects. Which one is telling the truth? Suspect 1: Suspect 3 is a liar; Suspect 2: I always tell the truth; Suspect 3: Suspect 2 always tells the truth

Suspect 1 if only one is telling the truth 2 and 3 are saying the same

4. Sherlock receives a clue of where a crime is about to occur. Which place would join this list of Chingford, Shipton, Washington, Manchester? Portsmouth, Newcastle or Bristol?

Portsmouth, the clue is the words in the list have body parts contained in them

5. Which of these four coins marked Queen Victoria I, King George II, King Edward VII or King George III is a forgery?

Victoria I, coins never use I

6. Sherlock has received a clue about a foreign city, once London is removed which is it? N R L E O I N D O L B N


7. Which tube station comes next after the following: Mornington Crescent, Oval, Charing Cross? Victoria, Russell Square or Baker Street?

Russell Square as others have shapes in them

8. Moriarty is planning his latest heist, in the following coded message can you tell what type of vehicle he is intending to use for the getaway? I’ll be at the gazebo at the end of the road at 2pm

Boat - written across 2 words

9. Which one is the wrong one - Moriarty, Watson, Hudson or Holme?

Holme, Holmes is spelt wrong

10. Mr Henry Baker is returning home with his Christmas goose, and has had a little too much good cheer. As he walks he staggers 2 steps back after taking 5 steps forward. After a total of 15 steps, how many steps has he moved from his starting position?





100% Sherlock. With a hat tip to the TV show 'The 1% Club', try answering the following questions. Don’t forget allow 30 seconds for each question, no cheating!

Click on each of the questions to reveal the answers.

1. What is the word pattern that links these Sherlock Holmes story titles? A Scandal in Bohemia, The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet, The Adventure of the Resident Patient, The Adventure of the Gloria Scott and The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot

All start and end with the same letter

2. Who do you get if you remove the wrong letters from this sequence? G M W O R R I A N R T Y O


3. Which Sherlock Holmes story comes next in the sequence of Abbey Grange, Blue Carbuncle, Cardboard Box? …Speckled Band, Dying Detective or Yellow Face? ‘The Adventures of the…’ taken out for brevity and yes that’s a clue.

Dying Detective - sequence of words is first word alphabetically

4. Professor Moriarty is planning his next murder and has decided that it will take place on the third Thursday of July. What is the earliest date in July that it could take place?


5. Sherlock doesn’t not not not dislike Moriarty. Does he like Moriarty?


6. What Sherlockian character appears in the sentence - when is the son at home?


7. What letter can replace the question mark in this sequence? SS SF HB V?

F - long story title initials

8. What word logically completes the sentence? After Baskerville came down, everybody finally grasped his… Fear, Concern, Insecurity or Anger?

Insecurity - words are alphabetically sequenced

9. What word completes this sequence? QRS FGH CDE PQR JKL MNO ABC IJK

Every third letter spells Sherlock

10. Which number is next in the sequence, Sherlock? 5 6 2 4 2 3 8

8 - sequence is the number of letters in each word



Question: Two Clues In One - Guess the Sherlock Holmes character, the clues have the same initials as the answer.

1. Storied Hero

Sherlock Holmes

2. Investigative Londoner

Inspector Lestrade

3. In Awe

Irene Adler

4. Devious Redhead

Duncan Ross

5. Soon Heir Baskerville

Sir Henry Baskerville

6. Crooked Sniper Man

Colonel Sebastian Moran

7. Monied Helper

Mycroft Holmes

8. Brother Sholto

Bartholomew Sholto

9. Sherlock’s Jackal

Shinwell Johnson

10. Marriage Material

Mary Morstan



Question: Where in the World? You might be able to answer the question, but can you plot the location on a map? (Map not supplied!)

1. Where Watson had been prior (A Study In Scarlet)


2. Holmes reports he had travelled to (Empty House)


3. Sir Henry’s homeland (Hound of the Baskervilles)


4. Where Watson researched pottery (Illustrious Client)

St James’s Square, London

5. Dr. Leon Sterndale had reached, before turning back on hearing the news (Devil’s Foot)


6. Holmes visited on cracking the case (Bruce Partington Plans)


7. Where the King had travelled from, incognito (Scandal in Bohemia)


8. The headquarters of the Red-headed League

Pope’s Court, Fleet Street, London

9. Colonel Ross's training stables (Silver Blaze)

King’s Pyland, Dartmoor

10. An entry about Vampires in Holmes's commonplace book (Sussex Vampire)





Question: Work out the Sherlockian actor/actress who connects the four films/tv shows listed. 

1. The Mummy, Masks of Death, Star Wars, Dracula

Peter Cushing

2. Moonraker, Sherlock Holmes in New York, Ivanhoe, The Saint

Roger Moore

3. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1978), Arthur, Crazy People, Love Sick

Dudley Moore

4. Godzilla, Enola Holmes, Stranger Things, NCIS

Millie Bobby Brown

5. Wilde, The Holiday, Sherlock Holmes (2009), The Talented Mr Ripley

Jude Law

6. Shadowlands, The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1986), Love Actually, Oliver Twist

Edward Hardwicke

7. Oscar Wilde, The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Terror, Star Trek

John Neville

8. Enola Holmes, A Room With A View, Suffragette, King’s Speech

Helena Bonham-Carter

9. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, Henry V, The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes

Robert Stephens

10. Kong Fu Panda, Elementary, Beverly Hills 90210, ER

Lucy Lui



Question: Answer the questions and find the average between the numbers in the two answers. So if the answer is The Second Stain and The Sign of Four - the average is 3.

1. Number of short stories in The Return of Sherlock Holmes book & number of Granada TV Sherlock Holmes episodes/specials.

13 & 41 - 27

2. Number of Sherlock Holmes long stories & year of Basil Rathbone’s first Sherlock Holmes film.

4 & 1939 - 971.5

3. Number of marriages of Doctor Watson & number of Granada TV episodes with David Burke as Watson.

2 & 13 - 7.5

4. Year of Arthur Conan Doyle’s birth & year of William Gillette’s first performance of Sherlock Holmes.

1859 &1899 - 1878.5

5. Number of sisters in the Speckled Band & year of Buster Keaton’s Sherlock Jr film release.

2 & 1924 - 963

6. Age of Sherlock Holmes in the Mr Holmes film & year in which the film is set.

93 & 1947 - 1020

7. Number of District Messenger (SH Society of London newsletter) editions (as of Nov 2024) & year of first appearance of A Study in Scarlet.

448 & 1887 - 1167.5

8. Number of Garridebs & number of episodes of the BBC radio Sherlock Holmes series which started in 1989 and finished in 2010.

3 & 80 - 41.5

9. Number of Enola Holmes adaptations by Netflix & number of years CBS’s Elementary tv series ran.

2 & 7 - 4.5

10. Number of Jude law Sherlock Holmes-related film/tv credits & number of years between the publication of the Final Problem and the Empty House.

3 & 10 - 6.5



Question: This week we bring you Taskmaster. You probably know the TV show, so undertake the following tasks. 

1. Decode the long story title: Gsv Ezoovb lu Uvzi. Clue - use the backwards alphabet code A is Z, B is Y and so on.

The Valley of Fear

2. Put the following Basil Rathbone films in release date order - Terror by Night, Woman in Green, Voice of Terror, Scarlet Claw.

Voice of Terror (1942), Scarlet Claw (1944) Woman in Green (1945), Terror by Night (1946)

3. Recite from memory the first seven words of the Musgrave Ritual legend (half points if you have to look it up first!)

Whose was it? His who is gone

4. Put the following Jeremy Brett Granada episodes in broadcast date order - Silver Blaze, The Illustrious Client, The Naval Treaty, The Priory School.

The Naval Treaty (1984), The Priory School (1986), Silver Blaze (1988), The Illustrious Client (1991)

5. Find the references in a Sherlock Holmes story to a Gladstone Bag.

The Man With The Twisted Lip

6. Name the members of the Worthingdon Bank Gang (Resident Patient), simply by surname.

Cartwright, Biddle, Hayward, Moffat, Sutton

7. Recite from memory the first eleven words of the Hound of the Baskervilles book (half points if you have to look it up first!).

Mr. Sherlock Holmes who was usually very late in the mornings

8. Name the 3 students from the story of the same name, again by surname.

Gilchrist, Ras, McLaren

9. Put the following Benedict Cumberbatch Sherlock episodes in broadcast date order - The Empty Hearse, The Blind Banker, The Lying Detective, A Scandal in Belgravia.

The Blind Banker (2010), A Scandal in Belgravia (2012), The Empty Hearse (2014), The Lying Detective (2017)

10. Decode the following long story title, using the same code as before: Z Hgfwb rm Hxziovg.

A Study in Scarlet



Question: Below are the edited names of Sherlock Holmes characters with just the vowels remaining. Find the missing letters for each name, the number of characters of which are in brackets below.


1. eo oe (8,6) starts with S

Sherlock Holmes

2. ao (2,6) starts with D

Dr Watson

3. uo (3,6) starts with M

Mrs Hudson

4. oeo oia (9,8) starts with P

Professor Moriarty

5. Ieo eae (9,8) starts with I

Inspector Lestrade

6. i e aeie (3,5,11) starts with S

Sir Henry Baskerville

7. a oa (4,7) starts with M

Mary Morstan

8. ae Auuu ieo (7,8,9) starts with C

Charles Augustus Milverton

9. Iee Ae (5,5) starts with I

Irene Adler

10. i (5) starts with B




Question: Identify and change the incorrect word in each of the following sentences. Click on each of the questions to reveal the answers.

1. Out of respect, Irene Adler was referred to as ‘the snake’ by Sherlock Holmes in A Scandal in Bohemia.

Change snake for woman.

2. In the same story, Adler was set to marry her soon to be husband, Carlton.

Change Carlton for Norton.

3. In The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual, the butler Burton was found dead in the cellar of the house.

Change Burton for Brunton.

4. In the same story, maid Rachel Hawells is thought by Holmes to be involved in the plot.

Change Hawells for Howells.

5. At their first meeting in A Study in Scarlet, Holmes perceived that Watson had recently been in Basingstoke.

Change Basingstoke for Afghanistan.

6. In the same story, the word Rach was found on a wall at a murder scene.

Change Rach for Rache.

7. The Adventure of the Redheaded League centred around a plot to rob the City and Country Bank.

Change Country for Suburban.

8. In the same story, the Bank’s chairman, Mr Merrydown, revealed to Holmes that the bank’s vault was holding a large shipment of gold coins borrowed from a bank in France.

Change Merrydown for Merryweather.

9. In The Adventure of the Priory School, the son of the Duke of Huddersness has gone missing.

Change Hudderness for Holdernesse.

10. In the same story, the Duke’s secretary Jake Wilder is found by Holmes to be behind the disappearance.

Change Jake for James.



The Puzzle of the Murdered Skeleton

The Halloween Fancy Dress Ball was in full swing at the Cliff Top Hotel when a guest dressed as a skeleton was found murdered in the ballroom, stabbed to death with a kitchen knife. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were immediately called to solve the mystery. Four suspects were identified, each with a motive. One piece of evidence will crack the case, can you help Sherlock Holmes find it?


Mr Tibbs: The hotel manager, discovered the body, so having raised the alarm, surely it couldn’t be him.

Mrs Burton-Granger: A wealthy widow, who pleaded that she was in her bedroom at the time, or at least she claimed to be. Although the only witness to this was now dead.

Tim: The bellboy who said he was upstairs carrying suitcases at the time, but no guests had recently checked-in.

Sēnor Tache: The ballroom dancer from Barcelona, who claimed to be on the dance floor all night but was seen on the top landing at 10pm, just before the body itself was discovered in the ballroom he’d just left.


Theft: The murdered skeleton was a wealthy businessman, with a considerable amount of money secured in the hotel safe.

Anger: An indiscreet liaison had taken place earlier in the evening between the skeleton and another guest dressed as a witch. Perhaps a spell had been cast between them.

Revenge: The guest dressed as a skeleton had fallen out with a number of other guests, including Count Dracula, whom he had had business transactions with. It was at least something to get their teeth into.

Jealousy: The guest dressed as the skeleton had won the best costume prize, upsetting Frankenstein, a couple of pumpkins and the Grim Reaper.


Suitcase: No suitcases were found unaccounted for at the scene, so it couldn’t have been the bellboy, unless he was delivering room service upstairs at the same time.

Ballroom: The band were on a break at 10pm, so Sēnor Tache could have been upstairs at the time of the murder, perhaps feeling hungry after all of the dancing.

Room Service: Reception confirmed that at 9.45pm Mrs Burton-Granger had ordered room service for two, she must have been waiting for it – or a Spanish dancer - to arrive.

Safe: The hotel safe had been left open and the contents stolen. Hundreds of pounds were taken from the victim. The manager was last seen in the kitchen looking flush.

What Three Words Crack the Case? 
Looking for one suspect, motive and deduction.

CLUE: I am looking for a clue to help solve the puzzle. Click here.

Remember that the murder weapon came from the kitchen.

 Ready to have the three word answer revealed along with the resolution?

SUSPECT:Click here.

Mr Tibbs

MOTIVE: Click here.


DEDUCTION: Click here.


RESOLUTION: Click here.

Sherlock Holmes called the suspects together and announced his findings. The murder had been undertaken by Mr Tibbs for the money stashed in the safe. The murdered skeleton had left a large amount of money in the safe, under his care. Only he had access to it. Meanwhile, he was the only hotel worker to have accessed the kitchen and the murder weapon was identified as a kitchen knife. In the nick of time, as Tibbs attempted to escape, Inspector Lestrade arrived and the arrest was made, with a full confession duly obtained. With that, another mystery was solved by the great detective Sherlock Holmes and the skeleton could finally rest in peace.


 SHURDLE PUZZLE OF THE WEEK - October 25th 2025

We have an American themed puzzle for you this week.

1. Hartford, Connecticut was the birthplace of which notable Sherlock Holmes actor?

William Gillette

2. CBS’s Elementary series is set in which US city?

New York

3. Sherlock Holmes in Washington starred which Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson actors?

Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce

4. Vermissa Valley appears in which Sherlock Holmes story?

The Valley of Fear

5. Who founded the Baker Street Irregulars?

Christopher Morley

6. Who stars as Dr Watson in CBS’s new Watson series?

Morris Chestnut

7. Which author wrote the original Enola Holmes books?

Nancy Springer

8. Which silent era slapstick comic played Sherlock Jr?

Buster Keaton

9. Sherlock Holmes actor Robert Downey Jr once played which other star of the silent era?

Charlie Chaplin

10. Which Canadian library houses the Arthur Conan Doyle Collection?



SHURDLE PUZZLE OF THE WEEK - October 18th 2025

Question. Can you combine two answers to make one phrase? We’re just looking for the main words/part of a title (ie ‘The Adventures of’ etc have been taken out). Then combine both answers to make a Sherlock Holmes phrase or name.

1. Sherlock Holmes - Telegram delivery boy

Sherlock Holmessenger

2. Sherlock Holmes actor - location of 221B

Tom Baker Street

3. Peter Cushing’s Watson - story from the Memoirs

Nigel Stockbroker’s Clerk

4. First of the Return - Basil Rathbone film

Empty House of Fear

5. Rathbone’s Watson - Story from His Last Bow

Nigel Bruce-Partington Plans

6. Ronald Howard episode - story from the Adventures

Shoeless Engineer’s Thumb

7. John Neville film - Basil Rathbone film

Study in Terror by Night

8. Cumberbatch’s Watson - story from the Adventures

Martin Freeman with the Twisted Lip

9. Sherlock’s sister - Will Ferrell film

Enola Holmes and Watson

10. Which Canadian library houses the Arthur Conan Doyle Collection?



SHURDLE PUZZLE OF THE WEEK - October 11th 2025

Question. Try this quick cryptic style puzzle. Simply work out the Sherlockian references. We’re looking for the main words in a story title - so an answer would be Musgrave Ritual not the full title - and the number of letters are shown in brackets. No crossword grid, just looking for the answers.  


1. End puzzle solved in waterfall (5,7)

Final Problem

2. Holmes returns to investigate vacant dwelling (5,5)

Empty House

3. Fierce creature’s hair featured in case (5,4)

Lion’s Mane

4. Hellenic involved in unravelling mystery (5,11)

Greek Interpreter

5. Sailor involved in dark Holmes case (5,5)

Black Peter

6. Another mark uncovered in investigation (6,5)

Second Stain

7. Cheating scholar involved in Holmes mystery (5,8)

Three Students

8. Truth behind identity theft (4,2,8)

Case of Identity

9. Moving figures in ciphered message (7,3)

Dancing Men

10. Fading sleuth solves critical case (5,8)

Dying Detective



Question. Workout the Sherlock Holmes or Dr Watson actor from the four clues given.

1. New York, Saint, Octopus, 1976

Roger Moore - Holmes in Sherlock Holmes in New York, 1976 and was both the Saint and James Bond

2. Tudors, Witcher, Superman, Brother

Henry Carvill - Enola Holmes’s brother as well as in Superman, The Witchers and The Tudors

3. 1970, Lear, Ness, Toby

Robert Stephens - Holmes in The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes,1970 which included Loch Ness, played King Lear and was the father of actor Toby

4. New York, 2012, McBeal, Angels

Lucy Liu, Watson in CBS’s 2012 series Elementary set in New York also appeared in Ally McBeal and Charlie’s Angels

5. Cushing, Young, Escape, 1964

Nigel Stock - Watson to Peter Cushing from 1964 to 1968, also appeared in Young Sherlock Holmes and The Great Escape

6. Higgins, Lady, Clapham, Secret

Jeremy Brett - Surname at birth Huggins, appeared in My Fair Lady, has a memorial bench on Clapham Common and starred in the stage play The Secret of Sherlock Holmes

7. Co, Abba, 2023, Waggott

Harry Attwell - Holmes in the current Sherlock & Co podcast with Paul Waggott as Watson and he’s an Abba fan!

8. Midsomer, Mr Holmes,1985, Waxflatter

Nicholas Rowe - Appeared in the 1985 Young Sherlock Holmes, where Waxflatter was his mentor and Mr Holmes as well as Midsomer Murders

9. Shoscombe, Ripley, 2009, Oscar

Jude Law - Appeared in the Granada episode of Shoscombe Old Place, The Talented Mr Ripley, Watson in the Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes films and appeared in Wilde

10. 1954, Leslie, Cunningham, Crawford

Ronald Howard - Sherlock Holmes in the 1954 tv series with H Marion-Crawford. First case in the series was called the Case of the Cunningham Heritage. Son of actor Leslie Howard


SHURDLE PUZZLE OF THE WEEK - September 20th 2024 

Sherlock Who? Find the Sherlockian link to Dr Who. Click on each question button to reveal the answer. 

1. Was both a Sherlock Holmes and Dr Who. Easy start, Tom who?

Tom Baker

2. Same question, but it's Peter who and where?

Peter Capaldi on the Alexei Sayle Show

3. And a third, Matt who and how?

Matt Smith donned a deerstalker

4. Three writers on both Dr Who and the BBC’s Sherlock?

Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss and Stephen Thompson

5. Which Lestrade actor in the BBC’s Sherlock also appeared in Dr Who?

Rupert Graves

6. Which famous Sherlock Holmes actor appeared in Dr Who and the Daleks in 1965?

Peter Cushing

7. And more recently, which other former Dr Who did a stint in the UK stage production of The Hound of the Baskervilles in 2024?

Colin Baker

8. Toby Jones was in both the BBC’s Sherlock and Dr Who, but what are the notable Sherlock Holmes tv and film links to his actor father Freddie Jones?

Appeared in the film Young Sherlock Holmes and two episodes of the Granada series

9. Both Dr Who and Sherlock Holmes were famous for faking what?

Their own deaths

10. Which is better, Sherlock Holmes or Dr Who?

You decide that!


 SHURDLE PUZZLE OF THE WEEK - September 13th 2024 

Try this quick cryptic style puzzle. Simply work out the Sherlockian references. No crossword grid, we’re just looking for the answers. Click on each question button to reveal the answer.

1.Dreadful ravine hides secret - four words of 3,6,2 and 4 letters

The Valley of Fear

2.Where detective can find bread - two words of 5 and 6 letters

Baker Street

3.Pursue a dog - one word, 5 letters


4.Actor, possibly including jetty or beer, right? two words of 6 and 5 letters

Jeremy Brett

5.Conclusion of last case, for now - three words of 3,5 and 7 letters

The Final Problem

6.Place for ancient Greek philosopher’s society - two words of 8 and 4 letters

Diogenes Club

7.Cyclist’s name in Scarlet and Four, one word, 7 letters


8.Final stage for retiring hero - three words of 3,4 and 3 letters

His Last Bow

9.Resident Doctor - three words of 2,5 and 9 letters

Dr Percy Trevelyan

10.Arrow heath - one word, 8 letters



SHURDLE PUZZLE OF THE WEEK - September 6th 2024 

Try this quick connections puzzle. Simply work out what connects each of the four words listed. Click on each question button to reveal the answer.

1. Valley, Hound, Four, Study

Words from the titles of the long stories

2. Moore, Cushing, Baker, Cavill

Sherlock Holmes actors

3. Scandal, Dancing, Naval, Solitary

Words from the titles of the first four 1984 Granada TV episodes

4. House, Lodge, Place, Grange

Places from the titles of the short stories

5. Marion-Crawford, Freeman, Stock, Law

Dr Watson actors

6. Baker, Wigmore, Montague, Godophin

London street names associated with Sherlock Holmes

7. Handl, Stephens, Blakely, Lee

Actors in the 1970 Billy Wilder film ‘The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes’

8. Lip, Thumb, Foot, Face

Body parts from the titles of the short stories

9. London, New York, Toronto, Welshpool

Places associated with Sherlock Holmes societies

10. Miller, Liu, Quinn, Hill

Actors in the 2012-20 US TV series ‘Elementary’